Friday, December 21, 2012

"Showtime" and Ward discuss lawsuit

The All Action Wrestling Insider caught up with "Showtime" Daniel Thomas and his attorney Terrance Ward in an attempt to get answers regarding his pending lawsuit against AAW as well other a few other topics. Here is a transcript of that sitdown interview:

AAWInsider: So, "Showtime" tell me what is the basis of your lawsuit against All Action Wrestling.

Showtime: I have been mistreated, abused, and forced to work in a hostile work environment. I have been threatened to be fired for no legitimate reason and the upper management have hit the proverbial final nail in the coffin. That's why I've hired an attorney.

AAWInsider: What are you looking to gain if you are successful with your lawsuit against AAW?

Showtime: I believe that is something that he should answer for you. You see I go way back with my attorney and we have always won at everything we do.

AAWInsider: The relationship with you and the AAW fans has always been tenuous at best. Some of them feel you may have gotten what you may have brought this on yourself. What are your thoughts on that?

Showtime: I feel that I have not reaped what I have sewed because of the CEO Haley Brooke Overton. She has prevented me from doing what is right for AAW and that's doing what's right for me. The cowardly attacks against me, such as putting me in a cage match with an MMA fighter and a wrestling match with a professional wrestler is not right. I'm not an athlete, I'm not a fighter, and I'm not a wrestler. I have not been trained to endure the punishment these athletes have. I am a businessman. I do what is right for business and if someone gets in the way of business they get run over.

AAWInsider: Mr. Ward, I'll direct this to you as it is a legal question - what do you and Showtime hope to gain from this lawsuit? Is there an endgame to this course of action?

Ward: There is an endgame result. However, in fairness to my client, I will not be discussing any leverage we may have obtained against AAW. We do however hope, and are confident that we will gain enough that Mr. Thomas will become the sole administrator of AAW. We plan on opening several civil suits against the individuals themselves, to bring them to justice for their discrimination.

AAWInsider: Mr. Ward, can you name these individuals?

Ward: No, that is no concern to any form of media right now until the individuals are properly served.

AAWInisder: Fair enough. Showtime, during the in-ring segment this past Saturday night, "3G" Eric Wayne had the AAW Heavyweight title around his waist. How is that possible?

Showtime: Possession is nine tenth’s of the law, furthermore Seth Knight is nothing more than a paper champion, and that will be proven on the 29th when Eric Wayne Defeats him.

AAWInsider. Okay. Mr. Ward, one of the fans mentioned you were disbarred in Mississippi. Any truth to that?

Ward: That is a matter still being resolved, so I offer no comment.

Showtime: Enough of the questions. Me and my attorney will not answer any more of these questions for you or the stupid fans.

At that time, both Showtime and Ward ended the interview. Hopefully, both the AAW Insider and the fans will get more answers on these subjects soon as AAW returns Dec. 29 with a big show featuring an appearance by wrestling legend "Superstar" Bill Dundee as well as a bout between one half of legendary Memphis tag team and former NWA World Tag Team champion Wolfie D and AAW superstar Maverick, with Maverick's job on the line. Tickets are $10 at the door and doors open at 6:30.  Bell time is 7 p.m. at the Giant Flea Market in Union City.

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